The Ouroboros Agency is dedicated to facilitating the transformation of communities into climate resilient societies. We do so by consulting, creating alliances, facilitating community-generated envisioning process, and training professionals and community members to become authentic, embodied, emergent leaders. The heart of the work is a systemic redesign of all sustainability pathways, including the repatterning and expansion of human consciousness. This inner redesign process is done to unify community and embolden and unleash visionaries to become authentic agents of transformation as they bring about new regenerative systems, ones that are balanced and in full recognition of the whole. 

It will take complex, interdisciplinary, transformational wisdom and awareness for humanity to go through this unprecedented collective metamorphosis.

We can rapidly increase this process by the expansion of our capacity to transform. This begins by unlocking the unseen human social drivers at play.

Increasing Our Transformation Capacity


Climate Resilience begins with a strong and vibrant social fabric


One of the greatest barriers to creating climate resilient communities is in the understanding and utilization of the process of societal transformation itself. 

Human cognition, perception, and emotion can create cultural constructs, beliefs, and values that impede community connectivity and the transformation process itself. These are often cognitively submerged, and imbedded within institutional rules and norms, hidden from our very awareness.


We need a cohesive social infrastructure to decarbonize civilization, restore ecosystems, and to create social equity and equality.

There can be no climate resilience without social justice. Part of our work is to knock out the invisible underpinnings within society that keep systemic and institutionalized inequality, inequity, and disempowerment in place.

Mobilizing Transformation

It is critical to identify and address stagnating personal and interpersonal belief patterns, assumptions, mental models, implicit biases, and perceived barriers that limit collective transformation.

By doing so, we revolutionize a group’s ability to connect, maneuver adaptively, proactively, and to see innovative possibilities.